Current Issue's

Development of Herbal Cookies from Finger Millet Malt and Aloe vera Powder
Studies on Drying characteristics of Beetroot Slices at varied Temperatures and Its Quality Evaluation More

About the Journal

The Journal would publish research papers on all the subjects related to the Food and Fermentation Technology. These include the work related to preservation, processing and fermentation technology. All aspects of food and fermentation technology would be considered. Papers on biotechnology, biochemical, toxicological aspects having bearing or are related with food would be welcomed. R & D work related to the fermentation covering microbiology, biochemical, genetics, indigenous fermented foods, toxicology or nutritive value would be included. Article highlighting the food standards and safety issues will be given special emphasizes. Preparation and evaluation of alcoholic beverage would be an important aspects of the articles published. The review on any aspect of food processing, composition, nutrition, and fermentation would be published/considered. Management of food processing industrial waste would be an integral component of the papers. The other aspects of food processing like low temperature, preservation, by typing dehydration, thermal processing, irradiation emerging technologies viz. ohmic preservative, pulse electric field, high pressure, preservation, enzymology, microbiological quality, food safety and standards, food engineering.
National Academy of Agricultural Science ( NAAS) Rating: 4.21 (2024)
International Journal of Food and Fermentation Technology is a Peer-Reviewed Journal
All the authors are requested to check the originality of their articles before submitting it to IJFFT. In case, any article is found to be Duplicate submission, fabricated data, cut and paste (Plagiarised), at ANY STAGE of processing of your article, following actions will be taken:
Rejection of the article
If the conduct is found to be grossly unacceptable i.e. submission of duplicate articles, the author will be blacklisted in International Journal of Food and Fermentation Technology.
Letter of conduct will be posted to the Head/Director of the department from where the study was conducted.
List of blacklisted authors will be shared amongst the Chief Editors of other Indian Journals


Aim and Scope

The main objective of this periodical is the dissemination of information relating to current research on all the aspects of food and fermentation technology.
  • To encourage the growth of research and development of food and fermentation technology.
  • To provide a forum for exchange of scientific knowledge among the actual researchers To act as a bridge between industry and academia
  • To built a platform to the policy makers in relation to food research needs
  • To help in generating useful application of knowledge in the development and growth of the food industry
IJFFT publishing original research papers, short communications and review papers on topics which include but not limited to :        
Biochemical aspects of Food Processing and Fermentation 
Fermentation Microbiology
Fermented Foods
Food Biotechnology
Food Fermentation
Food varieties
Food Composition
Food Engineering
Food Preservation
Food Processing
Food Processing and Nutrition
Fermentation Technology
Genetics in relation to Food Processing and Fermentation 
Thermal Processing
Food Toxicology
Food Engineering


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