The journal publishes original Research papers, Review, Research note/Short communication and Book Review. Besides, it also publishes Conceptual Editorial, Open Forum and Letters to editor besides Normal editorial. Papers are accepted on the understanding that they have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere and that they are subject to peer review. Papers accepted for publication by the editorial board are subject to editorial revision. A PDF of the Paper as a complete file (including tables , figs and plates) and a copy of same in word file need to be submitted.

Research papers

Original papers should present unpublished new research or scientific findings of significance in the broad areas of Food and Fermentation Technology. The papers should present the results of in-depth research conducted and should address a clearly stated objectives or specific hypothesis or question. They should provide novel approaches and new insights into the problem addressed. The Objectives of the study should clearly be stated. A brief review of the research conducted should be a part of introduction. The citation of appropriate literature supporting or contradicting the results should be made as apart of Discussion .Reasons for the confirmation or denial should be given. Further, it should be made to develop the discussion instead of citing the reference only. Papers dealings directly or exclusively with pure aspects like cultivation of crops including Horticultural crops, basic Engineering, Pure Chemistry, Microbiology, Biochemistry or such aspects would not be considered for publication. In brief, all the papers should have the scientific contents relevant to the food industry, research, academics and to the students of these fields. Manuscripts should be written in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English. References in the text should be cited by names. In case of two authors, in text: Sharma and Chopra (2000), if in brackets: (Joshi and Joshi, 2000). In case of more than two authors ,in text: Smith et al., (2004); if in brackets: (Smith et al., 2004).

Research articles should have :

  • • Main Title
  • • Authors Name and Affiliation
  • • Corresponding author email (as per proper format) and Phone number
  • • Running short title (<100 characters including space)
  • • Abstract (150-200 Words)
  • • Keywords (4-5)
  • • Introduction
  • • Materials and Methods
  • • Results and Discussion
  • • Acknowledgements (if any)
  • • References
  • • Tables
  • • Figures (if any)
  • • Plates

Review Articles

Review should be a critically analyzed article with present status of literatures in terms of contents of a topic of direct relevance to the food and fermentation technology. A Good Review article is that which focuses on the main research contributons in the field: recent major advances and discoveries made;significant gaps in the research; current debates and views and the future strategies or directions. It should present the topic as various heads and sub-heads. Ideally, the author collects the information relevant to the topic, and then, sorts it out into a coherent view of the “state of the art” as it now stands. The author(s) is expected to bring out the missing gaps in our knowledge in the matter. It should have a proper conclusion in a few words and future strategies. The article is expected to be supported by appropriate data in the form of tables, figures or such illustration preferably made by the author after consulting the literature. It should have considerable portion with interpretation of the results of investigations ,and should be well connected. Needless to say the proper acknowledge/citations of each and every findings have to made and if any, table/figure is directly copied permission of the concerned authors should be obtained to avoid any copyright problem. It should be an honest attempt by one or more authors to sum up the current state of the research on a particular topic The Journal would prefer articles where the author has himself/herself contributed to the matter and is reflected in the references cited in the list. Such an article should have:

  • • Main Title
  • • Authors name and Affiliation
  • • Corresponding author email (as per proper format)
  • • Running short title (<100 characters including space)
  • • Abstract ( 150-200 Words)
  • • Keywords (4-5)
  • • Introduction
  • • Headings and Sub-Headings of the Matter.
  • • Missing Gaps
  • • Conclusion(s)
  • • Acknowledgements (if any)
  • • References
  • • Tables
  • • Figures (if any)

The editor would also welcome mini reviews on topics of current significance. These have to be on the pattern of main review but could be half of the size in terms of total page length.

Research Note/Short communicationst

These are for a concise, but independent report representing a significant contribution to the field. Short reports of new results of special interest or article having new future dimension are also welcome. Generally, such articles could have 4-5 Printed pages with 2-3 figures and/or tables. Short communications shall also be peer reviewed and would have all the elements or parts as that of a research paper as given earlier would have sub-titles viz., Material and Methods, Results and Discussion but no introduction. Conclusions just like a research paper but without title.

NOTE: Manuscript without proper formatting according to IJFFT style will not be processed for publication except in special circumstances where the paper is reporting the results of very high significance.

Author should consult the CHECK LIST for authors (given separately) before submission of article.

Title: The title should be brief, concise, and call attention to the main point of the article. With a few exceptions, abbreviations and acronyms must be written out in full in titles. (Font: Times New roman, Size: 14, Bold).

Use the following format for example:

Bamboo shoots: Composition, nutritional value, therapeutic role and product development for value addition.


Effect of blending different juices on the Physio-chemical and sensory quality of blended Juice.

Authors Details: Authors are required to include their full names, at minimum, first and last namesof each author.

Use the following format: V.K. Joshi, Ashwani Kumar and N.S. Thakur

Affiliation and corresponding author: The full name of institutions and the subsidiarydepartments should be given. The address of the institution should include the name ofthe institution, city, country (e.g. India). When a paper has several authorsfrom different institutions, key the author to the address with superscript Arabic numerals(for detail please refers current issue papers). Affiliating address should be in italic andcentralized. For two different addresses of one author, use different consecutive numberse.g. 1,2(as superscript)

1Department of Food Science and Technology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.
2Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan,HP, India

Running Title:A brief running title should be given on the title page after email of corresponding address. Total words should not exceed 80 characters (8-10 words).


An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article; it allows readers to survey the contents of an article quickly. Abstract should be concise between 150-250 words and describes, in a paragraph, concisely the purpose, methods, important results obtained and the conclusion of the study, but does not repeat information already presented in the title. Short communication or research note must also be submitted with an abstract. the retraction of the later article and the authors may incur sanctions.


This is a list important terms relevant to the content of paper and should be differentfrom thetitle. Up to 4-5 key words should be listed at the bottom of abstract to beused as index terms. e.g. Keywords: Drying, osmotic dehydration, osmotic agent, antioxidants,


In this part, separate heading like‘INTRODUCTION” is not written except in review. This is a brief background and limited to the statement of the importance of the study, problem or the aim of the experiment. It may briefly justify the research conducted and specify the hypotheses to be tested. The review of literature should be pertinent to the problem only. The specific questions to be addressed in the study should also be described here. Objective of the study should be specifically discussed in view of latest research with proper references.

Materials and Methods :

The relevant details should be given of the raw materials included: the variety source of ingredient, culture (must mention the culture number or details of isolates). growing conditions of microorganisms if used, storage and preparation of cultures), details of treatments including experimental design and the techniques employed such as those used for fermentation. It should preferably be divided into sub-heading; raw materials. In the storage studies, the condition of storage should be specified.The details of machinery and equipment along with make, wherever needed should be given briefly.
Analytical methods used should be written. These should include the analysis of raw material and the products made or the specific treatments. Where the methods are well known, the citation of a standard works is sufficient. All modifications of procedures if made must be explained. Experimental materials and statistical models should be described clearly and fully. Authors must certify that animals were cared for under guidelines comparable to those laid down by the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee. The papers should have statistical analysis and appropriate values need to be given. When a computer program is used the program name, reference, details needs to be given to avoid rejection. Except in rare case where such analysis in not considered necessary, no paper without statistical analysis would be considered.
The paper reporting the results of sensory evaluation is required to report the procedure of sensory evaluation in details viz., the method, number of judges coding of sample, test performed and the statistical analysis performed. The number of judges and order and method of presentation of samples have to be given. Wherever needed, the graphical representation can be added. The number of replications should be specified. Appropriate reference to the methods used need to be given.

Results and Discussion:

  The results and discussion should be combined. This part should be include a concise textual description of the data presented in tables and figures. The results could be presented in tabular form and graphs, when feasible. Repetition of the same data in different forms should be avoided and is not accepted Either Table or Figures should be given. The data given in the table should be well analyzed and value of critical difference (CD), standard error (SE) and standard deviation (SD) should be given as the case may be.
The results should be the interpretation of the observation obtained but not the repetition of the values given in a table. Results can also be subtitled as materials and methods . Results should be concise, pointing at the trends (do not repeat numerical results shown in figures and tables).The findings should be discussed here, in comparison to the results of others The color figures and plates are printed only under exceptional circumstances when editor- in- chief decides that the information would be lost, if reproduced in black and white. Mean result with the relevant standard errors should be presented rather than detailed data. The data should be so arranged that the tables would fit in the normal layout of the page. Self-explanatory tables should be typed on separate sheets and carry appropriate titles but included in a single file. Discussion should consider and interpret the results in relation to any hypotheses advanced in the introduction or in the light of available literature on the aspect or that related to the subject matter of the paper. This may include an evaluation of the methodology and of the relationship of new information to the knowledge in that field.The results where-ever possible, should be correlated and a valid conclusion drawn in the light of available literature. However, no statement without data or experimental evidence should be made or included in the paper. Only, the discussion can have the statement of findings as presented by the authors with some projection for future but not in more than 1-2 lines. The conclusion is neither summary nor the abstract but in 2-3 lines what findings are of the investigation and its significance. Reference:the authors should follow the pattern given below:- Journal

• Joshi, V.K. and Sandhu, D.K. (1996). Preparation and evaluation of animal feed using solid state fermentation of apple pomace. Bioresource Technol., 56 : 251-255.

• Rahmat, H.; Hodge, R. A.; Manderson, G. J. and Yu, P. L. (1995), Solid substrate fermentation of Kloeckeraapiculata and Candida utilis on apple pomace to produce an improved feed stock. World J. Microbiol.Biotechnol., 11, 168-170.

• Yokotsuka, K, Otski, A, NaitohA, and Tanaka H, 1993. Controlled simaltaneousdeacidification and alcohol fermentation of a high acid grape must using two immobilized yeastsSchizosaccharomycespombe and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Am. J. Enol. Vitic., 44(4) : 371-377.


• Stanbury, P.F., Whitaker, A. and Hall, S.J.(1997). Principles of fermentation technology.Aditya Books (P) Ltd., New Delhi.

• Joshi, V.K. (2006). Sensory Science: Principles and Applications in Evaluation of Food. Agro-Tech Publishers, Udaipur, pp 527.

Book Chapter

• Radler F 1993. Yeasts - Metabolism of organic acids. In : Wine Microbiology and Biotechnology, (Ed. Graham H. Fleet), Hardwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam pp. 165-182.

• Joshi, V.K. (1998). Apple pomace utilization : Present status and future strategies. In: `Advances in Biotechnology, Ashok Pandey, Ed. p. 141- 155 Educational Publish. & Distributors, New Delhi.


Joshi V.K and AttriDevender. (2005). A Panorama of Research and Development of wines in India. J .Sci. Ind.Res .,64(1):9-18.

Proceedings of Seminar

Rodraquez S Thornton R 1988.Rapid utilization of malic acid by a mutant Schizosaccharomyces malvidorans. In: Proc. of second cool climate viticulture and Oenology Symposium Auckland, New Zealand Soc. forVitic. Enol.,New Zealand, pp.313-315.

Special issue
Sharma, S., Joshi, V.K. and Abrol, G. 2009.An overview on strawberry [Fragaria X ananassa (Weston) Duchesene ex Rozier] wine production technology, composition, maturation and quality evaluation. In issue special of Natural Product Radiance :Production of wine from non-grape fruit V.K.Joshi. Guest Editor. . Natural Product Radiance, 8(4): 356-365


Shah , PK ( 1995). Evaluation of peach varieties for preparation of peach wine and brandy. M.Sc. Thesis, Dr YSP UHF, Nauni-Solan, H.P. India. Tables and Figures: Figure and tables should be inserted at suitable position in the text. Legends should be self-explanatory. Table should be typewritten, double spaced, andeach table should include a title. Vertical rulings in tables are unacceptable. Figuresshould ordinarily be original drawings and in JPEG format (Please do not paste otherformat figures in the text). However, glossy photographs of line-drawing are usuallysatisfactory. In each original line-drawing, letters or numbers should be left blankbecause they will be typed in during printing. Letters or numbers should be included inthe figures contained in a submitted manuscript along with caption for figures. Authorsshould place explanatory matter in footnotes, not in the heading. Explain in footnotes allnon-standard abbreviations that are used in each table. For footnotes use the following symbols, in sequence: *,†,‡,§,||,¶,**,††, ‡‡ . Each table bearing a title should be self–explanatory. They should be mentioned in the text, numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and placed on separate sheets at the end of the manuscript following the References. Their approximate position should be indicated on the margin of the manuscript or in the text in a separate line. Please use no vertical lines, horizontals only at the top, bottom and under heading.


Color as well as black and white figures/images. TIFF, EPS, Postscript, JPG, JPEG,GIF or PICT Formats are acceptable. All figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and the approximate position should be indicated on the margin. No frames or grid lines. Color Figures will be placed for an extra fee in the printed version, but they will be in color in the electronic version. Each figure should have a caption, not within the figure. The captions to all figures should be typed on a separate sheet, following the tables.

Nomenclatures, Unit, Abbreviations, and Symbols Nomenclatures for chemicals andbiochemical, microorganism, and genes should follow the guidelines in the instructionsto authors of journals published by American Society for Microbiology. SI units (SystemInternational Unites) should be used, whenever possible. Abbreviations should be used forthose recommended by IUPA-IUB Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature andRelated Documents.


All people who have made a genuine contribution and who endorse the data and conclusion(s) may be included. Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission to use any copyrighted text and/or illustration. They are also required to declare that there is no copyright problem, the work is original and was not submitted or to be submitted for any other format till the decision of this journal is made.


  • • Every submission would be a complete file word containing everything including tables,figures and plates, if any.
  • • Each Author is required to submit a list of 4 referees including two from in the concerned discipline from abroad
  • • Each Author would submit two certificates signed by all the authors

1) There is no copy right problem and he/she would be responsible for any lapse. The concerned would be black listed and to employer or the organization would be informed by the publisher.

2) A Certificate to say that this paper is submitted exclusive to this journal. When submitted simultaneously has to withdraw from either of the journal. If published without the knowledge , the publisher would liable for penalty including black-listing of Authors

  • • The authors have to ensure that the paper is not published anywhere prior to submission to the Journal, failing which suitable penalty would be imposed.
  • • All the Papers are peer reviewed and interim enquires would not be entertained. In extreme cases, it may lead to the rejection of paper.
  • • After the review of the paper, no paper can be withdrawn, except with the permission of concerned authority.
  • • Abbreviation if any used should be elaborated at the first citation. Name of the microorganism or the plant names should be in italic. All Vernacuar names should be in italics
  • • Conclusions should be as objective as possible and must be concise to fulfill the demand of the research investigation. But should not be repetition of the abstract or summary.
  • • It is necessary to acknowledge the person who has really helped, like providing facilities, read the paper is a funding agency etc .

Author is advised to communicate by e-mail, surface mail in case of inadequate knowledge of electronic media. Proof reading is the sole responsibility of the author and he should make corrections in the proof. While checking, it should be ensured that the text is complete and that all figures and tables are included. Substantial changes in content, e.g. new results, corrected values, title and authorship are not allowed without the approval of the editor responsible for this purpose.

Authors need to maintain high standards of integrity and ethics while submitting their articles. Providing wrong information is discouraged and must not duplicate the information already published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Failure to do so can attract Penalty.

Please do not give undue credit to anyone who has not made a notable contribution to the paper Excluding the name of any author who has made significant contributions is also highly objectionable and should be avoided. However, it is entirely the responsibility of the corresponding author(s), neither the Editorial board nor the publisher is responsible for any omission or commission in this regard.

Before submission of the new manuscript authors should consider the following general rules for preparation of the manuscript. Please read these instructions carefully and follow the guidelines strictly.

• Fonts: Important – Use Times or Times New Roman 12 point size only (other sizes as specified), and Symbol font for mathematical symbols (in the text and in the figures). Justification should be set to full (or left only, if preferred).
Do not underline: Use italics, bold or bold italics instead.
Line spacing should be set at 2 (Double).
Leave a line space between paragraphs and sections.
Leave a line space between section titles and text.
Leave only one space after a full stop.

• Manuscripts must be typed on A4 (210 × 297 mm) paper, double-spaced throughout and with ample margins of at least 3.5 cm. All pages must be numbered consecutively. Starting with the title page as p.1, the text, which begins with p.2.and so on?

• The first page of the full manuscript must begin with the title of the paper centered on the page in 14 point Bold Title Case (title case means first letter of each main word capitalized), the names of the authors (Initials – followed by a period each – Family Name) with the main author’s name mentioned first, the names and locations of the authors’ affiliations (Title Case), and the e-mail address of the main author. The title page must provide the title in English, a short title of not more than 45 characters (including spaces) to be used as running head, up to five topical key words in English for subject indexing, the full postal address of the corresponding author to whom proofs will be sent. The title should be brief and should indicate the species studied. Subtitles are not encouraged in the research papers but can be in review papers.

Submission of manuscript and copyright Form

  Download Copyright Form from and submit duly signed certificatein original with the original manuscript by online submission system at

NOTE: Without duly signed certificate the submitted manuscript will not be process.

Only online submission will be considered.

For any query, you can contact the Managing Editor (;

Manuscript Charges

If after the peer review, the manuscript is recommended for acceptance for publication, the authors has to pay Rs. 2500/- per article or US dollar $100 . Bank details are available at journal home page. .

Galley Proofs

Galley proofs would be sent unless indicated otherwise to the corresponding author. It is the sole responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that the galley proof is to be returned without delay ( max 1 week) with correction (if any). The authors are responsible for the contents appearing in their published manuscripts. List of corrections should be sent separately by e-mail. Authors are also responsible for obtaining written permission to use any copyrighted text and/or illustration.

Off-prints and/or PDF files of the IJFFT Papers can be ordered at

Important Notes

  • • The decision of the Editor-in-Chief shall be final in all matters pertaining to publication
  • • of papers.
  • • The Editor-in-Chief reserves the privilege of returning to the author for revision of even the accepted papers. The type of paper for which the MSS is suitable is at the discretion of Editor- in -chief/editorial board/ in conjunction with the peer.
  • • Manuscripts and illustrations which are not in the proper form given in this guide. Would lead to rejection of MSS.
  • • Should have any questions, please contact the editors of the Journal for any technical matters regarding paper or the managing editor regarding the publication matters..
Note: Refer Model paper /current issue papers for style of paper writing.

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