Year: 2016 | Month: June | Volume 6 | Issue 1

Effect of Fermentation and Dehydration on the Nutritional and Functional Properties of Horse Gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) Flour



A study was conducted in order to investigate the eff ect of fermentation and dehydration on the nutritional and functional properties of horse gram fl our. Fermentation was carried out for 24 hrs, 48 hrs and 72 hrs and standard methods were adopted to analyze the nutritional and functional properties of the processed fl our. Fermentation period had significantly reduced the carbohydrate, fat, ash but increased the protein, moisture and fiber of horse gram flour. Dehydration techniques did not affect the nutrients present in the processed fl our appreciably. But, Fluidized bed drying effectively increased the foam capacity and water absorption capacity of fermented horse gram while fermentation period had decreased the swelling capacity and oil absorption capacity of processed flour, irrespective of the drying methods. Hence, the utilization of fermented and dehydrated horse gram and its flour not only improve the nutrient utilization and bioavailability of nutrients but also upsurge its application in therapeutic food formulations for specific health conditions.

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