Year: 2012 | Month: December | volume 2 | Issue 2

Ethanol production efficiency of various species of cassava effluents using different inoculants


Abstract: <div>The produce bio-fuel ( ethanol) from cassava waste water using fungal enzymes from Aspergillus niger and Rhizopus oryzae, synthetic diastase enzyme; and to compare the fermentation of the various cassava specie is reported. Ethanol was produced from cassava effluents of four varieties of</div><div>cassava: Type I (NR 8082), Type 2 (TMS 92/00057), Type 3 (NR 87184) and Type 4 (TMS 30572) using amylase enzyme produced from Aspergillus niger, Rhizopus oryzae and synthetic diastase. Type I and III varieties produced 30% each of total distillate volume yield, while Type II and IV produced 20% each of total distillate volume yield. Treatment of cassava effluent samples with Rhizopus oryzae gave overall ethanol distillate volume yield of 62%, followed by Aspergillus niger 25% and diastase 13%.</div><div>A combination of cassava effluent Type and enzyme treatment R3 gave significantly (p&lt;0.05) the largest ethanol volume of 164.0±1.0 ml with a total percentage yield of 79%. Though A1 (Aspergillus niger fermentation of Cassava Type I-NR 8082), followed closely with 123.0±2.5 ml, it had a comparatively lower percentage yield of 58% compared to R2 and R4 with 69% and 70% total per cent yield of ethanol, respectively. Thus ,the source of biochemical enzyme could be a determining factor in the percentage</div><div>yield and volume of ethanol distillate produced rather than the choice of cassava specie.</div>

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