Year: 2024 | Month: June | Volume 14 | Issue 1
Effect of Soaking Temperature on the Physical Properties of Paddy (Variety: PS-5)
Alka Singh*
Suresh Chandra
Neelash Chauhan
Jaivir Singh
D.K. Mishra
B.R. Singh
The engineering properties are important in design and development of processing and handling equipment and storage structures. In the present investigation, some of the engineering properties which are important in storage were determined for the paddy variety (PS-5). The research work was carried out to effect of soaking temperature on physical properties of Paddy (variety PS-5). Then raw paddy was soaked at different temperatures (AT, 40°, 50 oC, 60oC) for 3.5 hr (210 min) by using water bath. Raw paddy and soaked was used to calculate the Length, Width, Thickness, Moisture content, GMD, AMD, Aspect ratio, surface area, sphericity, porosity, volume, Bulk Density, Taped Density, thousand kernel weight. Initial moisture content was found 10.20%.
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