Year: 2024 | Month: June | Volume 14 | Issue 1

Food Fermentation: Traditional Practices and Modern Applications in Food Industry

Muhammad Mujahid Mishal Wakeel Alia Muhammad Ali Sumaiya Saeed Amna Shah Nawaz and Kinza Hafeez


Fermentation at the beginning used to maintain foods, fermentation now carried out to improve their physicochemical, sensory, nutritional, and safety attributes. Fermented dairy, alcoholic drinks like wine and beer, fermented greens, fruits, and meats are all particularly precious due to their elevated garage balance, decreased risk of meals poisoning, and superior favor. Through the years, medical studies associated the consumption of fermented merchandise with stepped forward fitness reputation. The fermentation manner allows to breakdown compounds into greater effortlessly digestible paperwork. Fermentation additionally helps to lessen the toxins and pathogens in food. Additionally, fermented foods include probiotics, which can be beneficial microorganisms that help the frame to digest meals and take in nutrients. These days global, non-communicable sicknesses including cardiovascular ailment, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and hypersensitive reactions improved. On this regard, clinical investigations have established that moving to a diet that contains fermented foods can lessen the risk of non-communicable illnesses. Furthermore, within the ultimate decade, there has been a growing interest in fermentation generation to esteem food waste into precious via products.

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@International Journal of Food and Fermentation Technology| Printed by New Delhi Publishers

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