Year: 2023 | Month: December | Volume 13 | Issue 2

Pectin, Sources and its Food and Pharmaceuticals Applications: An Overall Review

Pranabadevi Babasaheb Sontakke Shrikant Baslingappa Swami Suhas Zambre K.V. Venkatesh S.B. Patange and I.L. Pardeshi


Pectin, a complex structural heterogeneous polysaccharide widespread in terrestrial plants cell walls, About one-third of the dry substance in the cell walls of higher plants is made up of pectin, a complex mixture of polysaccharides. Pectin polysaccharides, in addition to proteins, make up practically the whole middle lamella and cellulose is absent. Pectin contributes between 2 and 35% of the weight of plant cell walls and cellulose is absent. Pectin contributes between 2 and 35% of the weight of plant cell walls and is crucial for the development defense and control of ion and water exchange as well as plant growth. Pectin is a naturally occurring component of fruits and vegetables. In addition to being a natural part of fruits and vegetables, pectin also contributes to the soluble fibre in the human diet. There is evidence that soluble fibre is healthy, although not being digested by the upper gastrointestinal system. Pectin is used to make a variety of products, such as edible and biodegradable films, adhesives, paper substitutes, foams and plasticizers, surface modifiers for clinical devices, materials for biomedical implantation, and drug delivery systems.

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