Year: 2023 | Month: June | Volume 13 | Issue 1
Development of Novel Biofertilizer by Combining the Banana Waste and Cyanobacteria in Sustainable Agriculture
Sonam Mishra1
Shiwangi Kesharwani
Mahesh Chivate
Anil Kumar Chauhan and Vishal Mishra
This review article discusses the technologies for mass producing cyanobacterial biofertilizers as well as their applications in industrial and agricultural contexts. The agriculture sector is always looking for novel approaches to boost crop yields without sacrificing environmental sustainability. In this review paper, it is suggested that banana trash and cyanobacteria that have been isolated from banana plantations be combined to create a unique biofertilizer. This review paper’s objective is to use agricultural waste and naturally occurring microorganisms to create a sustainable alternative for crop fertilisation. Banana waste, which is plentiful in banana-growing areas, a supply of nutrients that the cyanobacteria can use, which will then give the soil nitrogen fixation and other advantageous qualities. The soil from a banana plantation will be used to separate the cyanobacteria, which will then be examined for their capacity to stimulate plant development. A suitable substrate for the cyanobacteria to grow and reproduce will be created from the processing of the banana trash. The efficacy of the resultant biofertilizer in enhancing plant development and yield will be evaluated on a range of crops. The goal of the study is to show how this strategy might support sustainable agricultural practises while also offering an economically viable method for handling banana trash. Overall, this work gives a viable plan for creating a unique biofertilizer that may
completely transform the agricultural sector.
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