Year: 2018 | Month: December | Volume 8 | Issue 2

Vacuum Impregnation: Applications in Food Industry



Vacuum impregnation (VI) is an improved osmotic dehydration technology emerging in food industry for the development of high quality and nutritionally rich food products. The VI technology helps to rapidly impregnate animal or plant tissue pore spaces with required external solution producing a product with improved qualities and better shelf-life with minimal changes in nutritional and sensory properties. This paper provides a general review of the principles, mechanisms of VI technology and different external and internal factors affecting the treatment on foods. Different applications of VI such as calorie densification, food salting, fortification, pre drying and freezing etc. are also discussed. The VI has considerable potential to be employed in the food industry. Yet, technological problems like precise control and maintenance of process conditions need to be solved in order to achieve better impregnation and treatment homogeneity.

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@International Journal of Food and Fermentation Technology| Printed by New Delhi Publishers

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