Year: 2022 | Month: June | Volume 12 | Issue 2

Nutritional analysis of Value-added Noodles developed by incorporating Panicum miliaceum, Lens culinaris and Triticum aestivum flour

Shubhangi Srivastav Kanak Chaudhary Ekta Singh Chauhan


Noodles are a type of food made from unleavened dough which is rolled and cut into uniform, thin, long strips; having its origin from China and Japan. The noodles gaining popularity are majorly composed of refined wheat flour that imposes health complications to the consumers. This problem could be minimised by fortifying noodles with some nutrient rich ingredients that has good organoleptic acceptance by everyone. This study focuses on incorporating millet and lentil flour to the noodles development. The prepared samples are checked for organoleptic evaluation to find out the best variant prepared. The results indicated that the sample having 70% wheat flour, 20% proso millet and 10% lentil flour had the overall acceptability due to the presence of increased amount of protein, iron and decreased content of fat and moisture. However, the incorporation of proso millet flour, lentil flour and wheat flour has proved to be a viable method for enhancing the nutritional potential of the developed noodles.

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