Year: 2020 | Month: June | Volume 10 | Issue 1

Effect of Edible Coating on the Storage Behaviour of Sapota (Achras sapota L.) var. Cricket Ball

M. Preema Devi I. Chakraborty A. Chakraborty N. Bhowmick


Edible coating prepared with the mixer of soybean chunk and wheat grass powder were applied in cricket ball variety of sapota with the end goal of preserving its quality. Preparation of coating was done by measuring the soybean chunks extracts, accordingly based on the treatments i.e. 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80ml/L and mixing it with 1 gm of wheat grass powder which was constant for all the treatments was carried out. Soybean being rich in protein and wheat grass powder, a good source of antioxidants could be used as an alternative for synthetic plastic in food applications which can also be consumed along with the products, thereby, contributing to the reduction of environmental pollution. The post-harvest losses during storage of sapota fruit (variety cricket ball) could be effectively reduced with the application of edible coating up to a period of 12 days under ambient storage conditions. The treatment combination of soyabean chunk extract of 60gm/L with wheat grass powder of 1% (T4) gave the best result in terms of lowest spoilage percentage and physiological loss in weight. Since, sapota fruit is highly perishable and could only be stored for a period of maximum 3-4 days after ripening, therefore extending the storage period up to 12 days could be an effective alternative to get regulated market supply thus, reducing the market glut.

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