Year: 2019 | Month: December | Volume 9 | Issue 2
Recent Advances in Preparation and Functional Properties of Smoothie as Food: A Review
Aanchal Srivastava
Rajeev Kumar
Akansha Arora
Jyoti Joshi
Sanchit Vishnoi
The aim of this study was to to know the scenario of habit of consumption of fruits and vegetables amongst consumers and implement the concept of smoothie as an easy, nutritive and innovative form of their consumption. Smoothie is a liquid refreshing drink usually taken as health- conscious supplement for a healthy living. Smoothie contains either whole or different parts of fruit and vegetable. Fiber and juice are not separated from each other thus, increasing nutritive as well as digestive properties of the smoothie. Fruits and vegetables have low energy value but high nutritive physiological value. They are mainly constituted of starch and dietary fibers. They contain appreciable amount of micro-nutrients such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and chromium. Fruits and vegetables are also rich in phytochemicals. These phytochemicals helps in reducing the possibilities of cancer. To increase the uptake of phytochemicals, food industries offer an alternate source of utilization of fresh fruits and vegetables as smoothie. To create distinct flavour and ease in consumption corresponding fruit juices or concentrates can also be used. The natural pigments and antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables also helps in glowing and smooth skin, also increasing better functioning and immunity of the body.
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